Miejsko-Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna

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Ordeal by Innocence

Autor: Christie, Agatha

Considered by critics as one of the best of Agatha Christie’s later novels, and a personal favorite for Christie herself—now a limited streaming series starring Bill Nighy and Anna Chancellor!
Accused of bludgeoning his mother to death with a poker, Jacko Argyle had maintained his innocence throughout his trial, claiming he was hitchhiking on the night of the murder and had been picked up by a middle-aged man in a dark car. The police were never able to locate this mystery

man—until he shows up a year later. But Dr. Arthur Calgary arrives too late to substantiate Jacko’s alibi. For after serving just six months of his life sentence, Jacko dies behind bars following a bout of pneumonia.
Feeling a sense of duty to the Argyles, Calgary is surprised when his revelations reopen old wounds in the family, leaving him to wonder if one of them is the real murderer...

Opis pochodzi od wydawcy

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Odpowiedzialność:Agatha Christie.
Hasła:Herkules Poirot (postać fikcyjna)
Prywatni detektywi
Śledztwo i dochodzenie
Literatura angielska
Adres wydawniczy:London : HarperCollins, 2018.
Opis fizyczny:[8], 276 stron ; 20 cm.
Forma gatunek:Książki. Proza.
Powstanie dzieła:1958 r.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. dla Dorosłych
Aleja Niepodległości 20

Sygnatura: 821-3 ang. K / ang.
Numer inw.: 122282
Dostępność: wypożyczana na 30 dni


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