Miejsko-Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna

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Blood on snow

Tyt. oryg.: "Blod p? sn? ".

Autor: Nesbo, Jo

From the internationally acclaimed author of the Harry Hole novels—a fast, tight, darkly lyrical stand-alone novel that has at its center the perfectly sympathetic antihero: an Oslo contract killer who draws us into an unexpected meditation on death and love. This is the story of Olav: an extremely talented “fixer" for one of Oslo’s most powerful crime bosses. But Olav is also an unusually complicated fixer. He has a capacity for love that is as far-reaching as is his gift for

murder. He is our straightforward, calm-in-the-face-of-crisis narrator with a storyteller’s hypnotic knack for fantasy. He has an "innate talent for subordination" but running through his veins is a “virus" born of the power over life and death. And while his latest job puts him at the pinnacle of his trade, it may be mutating into his greatest mistake...

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Jo Nesbo ; translated from the norwegian by Neil Smith.
Hasła:Powieść norweska - 21 w.
Powieść kryminalna
Adres wydawniczy:London : Vintage Books, 2015.
Opis fizyczny:172 s. ; 20 cm.
Twórcy:Smith, Neil. (1964- ). Tł.

Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. dla Dorosłych
Aleja Niepodległości 20

Sygnatura: 821-3 norw. [K] / ang.
Numer inw.: 115211
Dostępność: wypożyczana na 30 dni


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